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Reed Rogala: A Professional Journey Across Diverse Ventures

Reed Rogala A Professional Journey Across Diverse Ventures

Life unfolds through a myriad of experiences that shape our identities. Reed Rogala’s evolution from a college student to a celebrated glass artist vividly illustrates this journey, characterized by a spectrum of pursuits, personal evolution, and a steadfast commitment to his artistic calling. His narrative embodies resilience, driven by an unwavering quest for both creative expression and professional fulfillment. Reed Rogala’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of dedication and perseverance in navigating the complexities of personal and professional growth.

Reed Rogala’s Career Beginnings

Reed Rogala’s career path began with a fascination for the natural world. Studying Plant Science and Horticulture in college, he was captivated by plant biology and the science of agriculture. This period instilled a profound appreciation for nature’s beauty and a desire to nurture it. It was here where Reed discovered an unexpected passion for glassblowing, a craft that combined creativity and technical skill, which became a parallel pursuit alongside his academic studies.

Discovering Glass Art

Glassblowing evolved swiftly from a mere hobby into a profound avenue for Reed Rogala to express himself and connect deeply with his craft. The act of shaping molten glass into intricate designs provided not only a creative outlet but also a meditative refuge from life’s complexities. Even as Reed explored various career paths, his dedication to glass art remained unwavering, offering him consistent fulfillment and linking him to a rich historical tradition. The discipline and patience demanded by glassblowing echoed the skills he honed in other endeavors, reinforcing his resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. Throughout his personal and professional journey, glassblowing acted as a steadfast guiding light, consistently steering him back to his true passion and purpose.

Marriage and Personal Growth

In 2015, Reed’s personal life took a significant turn when he married actor Alicia Goranson, the actress known for TV’s Roseanne and The Conners. However, their paths eventually diverged, leading to their decision to part ways in 2019. This period of change and reflection was challenging but also clarified Reed’s commitment to his true passions in life.

Venturing into the Cannabis Industry

Reed Rogala ventured into the growing field of cannabis entrepreneurship, leveraging his background in plant science. Despite the promise of this venture and his success, his heart remained with his artistic passion.

Law School

Eventually, Reed enrolled at Seton Hall Law School, driven by a desire to understand complex legal landscapes and integrate them with his entrepreneurial ambitions. However, he soon realized that this path did not align with his creative spirit. Despite not finishing his degree, the experience enriched his understanding of business law and regulatory frameworks, benefiting his future entrepreneurial endeavors.

Establishing a Construction Company

Being a serial entrepreneur led him to later establish a construction company, combining technical skills with business insight. Running this business taught him valuable lessons in leadership, project management, and client relations.

Going Full Circle

Ultimately, Reed’s career journey led him back to his true calling: glass art. Fully committing to his talents as a glass artist wasn’t merely reviving a hobby; it was an acknowledgment of his lifelong passion and innate talent. His current shop, 27 Unlimited LLC, displays his stunning pieces that reflect his unique vision and craftsmanship. His work, ranging from intricate sculptures to practical items like vases and bowls, has gained recognition for its intricate designs and detail.

Finding Common Ground in the Arts

Reed Rogala has explored various professional ventures, yet his steadfast passion for creativity and dedication to inspiring others define his artistic journey. As a committed artist, he has significantly contributed to his fields, demonstrating how art can bridge different disciplines and forge connections.

The arts have a unique capacity to drive social change and benefit communities. Through artistic expression, awareness can be raised about social issues, societal norms can be challenged, and inclusivity and equality can be promoted. Community-based programs provide valuable resources such as educational workshops and public art installations, fostering a sense of belonging. Artists play a crucial role in inspiring collective action, revitalizing culture, and strengthening society as a whole.


Reed Rogala embodies how creativity can unify and inspire across generations. His life journey underscores the transformative impact of passion and staying authentic. Beginning with studies in plant science and horticulture, ventures into cannabis entrepreneurship, law school, and construction each enriched his worldview. Throughout these diverse pursuits, glass art remained his steadfast anchor, leading him back to his true vocation. Reed’s narrative resonates as a beacon of encouragement for those navigating multiple interests, illustrating the profound rewards of steadfast dedication and resilience in pursuing one’s true calling.