Home National Stories Oracle SCM 24C Upgrade: Key Enhancements for Supply Chain Excellence

Oracle SCM 24C Upgrade: Key Enhancements for Supply Chain Excellence

The Oracle SCM new release is a substantial advancement in supply chain management (SCM), boasting a range of advanced functions aimed at making operations more efficient, enhancing visibility and fostering better decision-making. This most recent version of Oracle SCM 24C Release seeks to utilize the latest technology to meet the ever-changing requirements of current supply chains for firms to maintain their competitiveness and the capacity to adjust rapidly.

  1. Advanced AI and Machine Learning Integration: Oracle SCM 24C uses AI and machine learning tools to enhance predictive analytics to improve demand forecasting and inventory optimization. In this way, it decreases stock-outs or surplus situations to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of the entire process. Moreover, AI-powered insights help make the imposition of proactive decisions easier.
  2. Increased Supply Chain Visibility: The new version enables real-time tracking with a consolidated view of supply chain activities enhancing visibility. This involves advanced dashboards that allow for quick identification of disruptions while making informed choices. Moreover, higher degrees of transparency regarding supply chain performance enable faster responses towards market fluctuations as well as operational challenges.
  3. Improved Collaboration Tools: New features help suppliers, manufacturers, and logistics partners to communicate better and coordinate better. Information exchange and project management are streamlined through integrated platforms and shared workspaces. With this improvement, stronger partnerships are formed and more efficient workflows are created to improve collaboration within the entire supply chain.
  4. Improved Risk Management and Compliance: Advanced risk assessment tools and automated compliance checks ensure effective risk management as well as adherence to regulatory requirements for maintaining high standards of quality and safety. The proactive identification of risks can lead to their mitigation, increasing supply chain operations resilience and minimizing exposure to potential interruptions.
  5. Advanced inventory management: Inventory management can be improved by linking schedules and limiting changes that affect numerous units. Furthermore, by allowing for mass adjustments to item transaction settings, flexibility is increased. All these advancements result in a precise inventory handling system reducing interruptions arising from scheduling changes.
  6. Streamlining order management and maintenance: Maintenance work orders are now used for completing inventory and repairing several assets. Order management features include guided journeys for users to ensure real-time prices are recalculated for changing commodity prices to increase efficiency and accuracy. These improvements simplify maintenance operations and make sure that sales transactions correspond with current market conditions.

Conclusively, Oracle SCM 24C reveals transformative attributes in enhancing supply-chain management through upgraded AI integration, visibility, and automation. For these advantages to be realized seamlessly, the use of the Opkey test automation platform, which is an AI-driven no-code automation platform, is a game changer. As an official Oracle testing partner, it reduces the testing cycle time by about 87 per cent; hence cutting down on the efforts put into the whole process by 90% while achieving the 98% of test coverage. The test automation increases update validations allowing companies to take full advantage of Oracle SCM 24C upgrades and ensure no operational disturbances arise throughout the period involved.

By Chris Bates