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Isaac Sternbach on Some of The Most Influential History Movies of...

As a history buff and fan of cinema, Isaac Sternbach of Vermont has always enjoyed historical movies. Movies that are loosely based or entirely...

Troy Thompson of Salem, NH, on Why Those Unsure of Their...

Troy Thompson of Salem, NH, is a proud military veteran who was drafted to the United States Army in 1965. While he was drafted...

Matthew Abid of Michigan Discusses Common Traits of Successful Sales Reps

Matthew Abid of Michigan leads the sales department of an energy firm, where he is tasked with ensuring the success of every sales team...

Hamid Alam MD Explores Career Paths in the Field of Medical...

Hamid Alam MD of Jericho, New York is a prominent radiologist specialist. In this article, Dr. Hamid Alam explores the diverse career opportunities available...

Jose Ernesto Batres Gonzalez Talks Streamlining Operations and Efficiency in Property...

Jose Ernesto Batres Gonzalez is the founder and CEO of BM Capital, a real estate fund with over 10 years of experience in the...

Gregory Michael Steinberg on the Pros and Cons of ChatGPT

Gregory Michael Steinberg has been fascinated with the popularity of ChatGPT since OpenAI, a company specializing in AI and Research, launched the product in...