Home National Stories 5 Steps to Avoid Bicycle Accidents in Busy Streets

5 Steps to Avoid Bicycle Accidents in Busy Streets

Cycling is considered one of the healthiest exercises, as per doctors and health nutritionists. In fact, cycling can help reduce the chances of dementia and heart attack, and even help maintain overall fitness. Due to this, more people in the USA have become aware of the benefits of cycling.

Cycling through city roads can be fun while at the same time being a healthy and efficient means of transport. Nevertheless, cycling is relatively more risky, as the chance of traffic accidents always exists.

It is essential to prevent such accidents. The measures listed in this article can help you avoid becoming a victim of an accident and travel safely through the city streets.

However, if you’re involved in an accident, you should consult the best bicycle accident lawyers for help.

The sections below discuss what bicyclists can do to avoid accidents.

Wear reflective gear (if traveling at night)

An effective way to ensure safety at night is to wear reflective gear.

Reflective gear plays a huge role when riding at night or in low-light conditions. Purchase reflectors to wear on your torso and ankles, and stick one of the stickers on your frame and helmet.

Make sure that your bicycle has a headlamp mounted and a rear lamp as well, for safety at night. The recommended lighting is white headlights and red tail lights.

Clear communication is key

On roads with heavy traffic, people should be able to understand your signals to avoid confusion and, consequently, possible accidents.

Ensure that hand signals are done ahead of time when you want to turn or change lanes. You can signal you’re turning right by having your arm stretched out horizontally. Left turns are indicated by having the elbow steered upwards to a 90-degree angle, and for halting, your arm points downwards.

Follow road laws

Swerving is dangerous in congested areas. Hence, such driving should be discouraged.

Defensive riding enables bicyclists to be confident, thus preventing accidents.

Even so, bicycles, being an example of a vehicle, must adhere to traffic regulations like any other car.

Obey the traffic signals, which include stopping at a red light and a stop sign, giving way to pedestrians, and maintaining a correct lane.

This may mean that you are a more predictable participant and, hence, can maintain a good flow within the traffic.

Choose your route wisely

Looking back in time, people had to plan not only their actions but also the actions taken by large groups of people, companies, communities, states, etc. There is more to traveling on two wheels than one might think. Not all roads are bike-friendly.

When selecting a cycling route, those with bike lanes or bike paths must be prioritized. These dedicated spaces greatly minimize the chances of accidents.

Invest in your safety

The biggest investment that you should make is in safety, rather than your bicycle. One should make sure they have all the right safety equipment and gear, since this would ensure that in case of an accident, the chances of injuries are greatly reduced.

A helmet that fits properly is recommended. One must make sure that the bicycle is in perfect working condition. The brakes, tires, and lights should be checked often to ensure maximum performance.

By Chris Bates